Monday, July 30, 2007


This morning I got up at 6am, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I quickly changed into work-out shorts and a tshirt. At about 6:17am I was ready to start working out.

I don't do this everyday, trust me! It was one of those days where I felt a bit energetic in the morning and wanted to warm up a bit. I stretched for 15 minutes. Then I did 30 crunches, 30 pushups, and 15 lunges on each leg. I then went and took a shower and finished getting myself ready.

Before I eat anything in the morning, I always drink a glass of water. I made myself two pieces of toasted bread with melted cheese and ham, cut up a melon and ate 2 slices, and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I also ate half a leftover bran muffin from the other day. It was a fulfilling and tasty breakfast. Best of all, it didn't take much time and I had enough time left to read much of the paper before heading out to work.

That was my breakfast for today. It's not much different than normal, but if you follow exactly as I eat, who knows, maybe it'll work for you too!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

How I eat/sleep/exercise to control body weight

First rule of thumb: Never go hungry. I just figure that if I'm letting my stomach growl and going to bed on an empty stomach, I'm just going to be uncomfortable during the night. Also, in the morning, I will be hungrier than usual and eat a bigger breakfast than I normally would. Now, I do say that big breakfasts are important, but eating more than normal is not good for weight control, I'm sure that's a given.

Whenever I'm feeling hungry, I will never eat a snack. Sure, it fills me up for that moment and I don't feel hungry anymore, but I've just offset my next meal. It doesn't matter what the snack is. It can be an apple, chips, pop...whatever it is, whether it's healthy or not, don't snack when you're hungry! I know, it's easier said than done. Who's going to get up and make dinner early just because they're hungry when they can easily pick up a cookie? My point in this blog is that you shouldn't feel the need to snack anymore because your 3 meals (or 5 smaller ones depending on your body type - we'll get into this later) should be enough to keep you going without having to eat anything more. Stay tuned